Small molecules to treat pediatric cancers

Pharmacology - Jan 16

Scientists at UdeM and its affiliated research institute IRIC have developed a new drug-discovery platform for high-risk leukemias in children - with promising results.

Shape-shifting materials are made more versatile

McGill discovery has potential applications in fields ranging from aerospace exploration to next-generation soft robots.

Environment - Jan 16

Early humans adapted to harsh conditions more than a million years ago


A long-standing question about when archaic members of the genus Homo adapted to harsh environments such as deserts and rainforests has been answered in a new research paper.

Violence on TV: what happens to children who watch?

Boys exposed to violent screen content in the preschool years were more likely to become antisocial and violent themselves a decade later, in their mid-teens, a new study shows. Results of new study led by Linda Pagani, Professor at the Université de Montreal's School of Psychoeducation, show long-term associated risks of early exposure to violent content in childhood and later teen antisocial behavior, more than a decade later.

Health - Jan 16

Child undernutrition may be contributing to global measles outbreaks, researchers find

Study of fully vaccinated children finds a link between stunted growth and weakened immunity, suggesting combatting child hunger could help prevent the disease's spread Amid a global surge in measles cases, new research sugge

Selected Job Offers
Economics - 21.01
Data Analyst University of Toronto
Life Sciences - 21.01
Senior Research Associate University of Toronto
Economics - 21.01
Hatchery Operations Lead (Term) University of Toronto
Computer Science - 21.01
Infrastructure Technology Delivery Leads (2 Vacancies) University of Toronto
Health - 21.01
Clinical Assistant Professor - Dental Assisting University of Alberta
Economics - 21.01
Finance Service Partner University of Alberta
Health - 21.01
Postdoctoral Fellow - Behavior Change and Digital Health University of Alberta
Social Sciences - 21.01
Sessional Lecturer - MPK4010H: Professional Practice A University of Toronto