Cognitive skills impact lifespan

Environment - Sep 5

While there is no denying 'survival of the fittest' still reigns supreme in the animal kingdom, a new study shows being smartest - or at least smarter - is pretty important, too.

Health - Sep 6

A pandemic of despair

The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 and resulting job losses led to a surge in suicidal ideation among Canadians, especially young people, a new UdeM-led study finds.

Helping your brain ward off Alzheimer’s symptoms

Participating in a series of cognitive training sessions has helped Quebec seniors cope with memory loss - even five years later, an UdeM study finds. Can training your brain to remember things help you ward off the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? A new Canadian study suggests that yes, it can - even five years after you got the training.

Environment - Sep 5

Using 3D imaging to transform plastic waste recycling

In a global first, University of Waterloo researchers have used 3D imaging technology to understand the fine details of microplastics, paving the way for more effective methods of plastic waste recycling.

Do genetic ’parasites’ help the immune system develop and function?

A study by UdeM professor Claude Perreault's team at IRIC proposes three potential functions for so-called parasite DNA sequences in T cell development.