news 2022
Results 21 - 22 of 22.
Computer Science - Physics - 10.01.2022
The next big computing revolution
Preparing for an online start to the winter term: for more information. Researcher Christine Muschik thinks outside the box with quantum computing innovations Computing revolutions of the past few decades have already taken us from floppy discs to an era of almost instantaneous communication in an internet-connected world.
Physics - Health - 06.01.2022
New quantum imaging could lead to a better understanding of diseases
Preparing for an online start to the winter term: for more information. Researchers at Waterloo are developing a technique to take MRI capabilities down to the atomic scale Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology has changed the way we can look at muscles, ligaments and organs. New developments promise to take MRI technology down to the molecular level to help us better identify diseases that ravage the human body.