Research Management
Results 1 - 7 of 7.
Research Management - 14.11.2024
The number of retracted scientific articles is on the rise
A study conducted in the field of ophthalmology confirms a trend observed in all scientific journals The retraction of articles by editors of scientific journals - the signal that a previously published article has significant enough flaws to be deemed invalid - has risen sharply over the past decade, peaking in 2023 with over 10,000 articles retracted.
Campus - Research Management - 11.04.2023

It is now easier for researchers to study asexuality and aromanticism thanks to a new resource created by two University of Toronto English scholars. Liza Blake , an associate professor of medieval and Renaissance literature at University of Toronto Mississauga, and Jenna McKellips , a graduate student in English language and literature, have co-created the Asexuality and Aromanticism Bibliography.
Health - Research Management - 28.02.2023

For the first time in humans, a research team has shown that, as early as the first days of infection, HIV is able to create reservoirs where it will hide and persist during antiretroviral therapy. CONTENU - Until now, the scientific community did not know exactly when or how these viral reservoirs-the existence of which is a major obstacle to curing HIV-are established in human beings.
Life Sciences - Research Management - 06.10.2022

Software tool brings together multiple brain maps in one place The brain is a complex organ, and no one imaging mode can catch everything that's going on inside it. Over the years, multiple -brain maps- have emerged, each focusing on different brain processes, from metabolism to cognitive function. While these maps are important, using them in isolation limits the discoveries researchers can make from them.
Research Management - 23.02.2022
Journal agreements make Western research more accessible
Western Libraries has reached licencing deals with academic publishers so that more research is in open-access journals. Photo by Bernd Klutsch of Unsplash When professor Johanna Weststar's most recent research paper was done, reviewed, revised and accepted into her preferred academic journal, just one more question remained: open access or closed? If closed (or subscription) access, publication fees would cost her $5,000.
Research Management - 31.01.2022

UdeM has signed DORA to support the development and promotion of best practices in university research assessment. Université de Montréal has joined the 21,000 signatories of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), a global initiative to make the research ecosystem fairer and more inclusive, while underscoring the vital role of scholarly journals in the dissemination of research findings.
Research Management - Health - 17.11.2021
Nine Waterloo researchers among the most cited in the world
Highly anticipated list identifies a "who's who" of influential researchers A major annual publication has recognized nine University of Waterloo faculty members as being among the most cited in the word. A list published by the global analytics firm Clarivate identifies researchers who demonstrated "significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade." Their names are drawn from the publications that rank in the top one per cent by citations for field and publication year in the company's global citation index.