Results 1 - 10 of 10.
Microtechnics - 11.04.2024
How to have a more natural conversation with a robot
New Waterloo Engineering-led research quickens the response time for robots to react to human conversation Talking to a robot often feels stilted or delayed, thanks to computer software trying to keep up with the conversation. However, new research from the University of Waterloo has improved the ability for humans to communicate naturally with humanoid robots.
Microtechnics - 09.04.2024
Helping robots make a better first impression
Researchers track the personalities of social robots to improve how they interact with humans An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Waterloo's Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL) has found that people prefer interacting with robots they perceive to have social identities like their own.
Innovation - Microtechnics - 16.01.2024
’Smart glove’ can boost hand mobility of stroke patients
Science, Health & Technology Lou Corpuz-Bosshart New washable wireless smart textile technology developed at UBC in collaboration with Vancouver startup also has potential uses in virtual reality and American Sign Language translation This month, a group of stroke survivors in B.C. will test a new technology designed to aid their recovery, and ultimately restore use of their limbs and hands.
Microtechnics - Chemistry - 23.10.2023
Plant-based isn’t just about burgers anymore
Plant-based materials give life to tiny soft robots that can potentially conduct medical procedures A team of University of Waterloo researchers has created smart, advanced materials that will be the building blocks for a future generation of soft medical microrobots. These tiny robots have the potential to conduct medical procedures, such as biopsy, and cell and tissue transport, in a minimally invasive fashion.
Materials Science - Microtechnics - 24.04.2023
New programmable smart fabric responds to temperature and electricity
April 24, 2023 Unique smart fabric is the first to change both colour and shape in response to two different stimuli A new smart material developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo is activated by both heat and electricity, making it the first ever to respond to two different stimuli. The unique design paves the way for a wide variety of potential applications, including clothing that warms up while you walk from the car to the office in winter and vehicle bumpers that return to their original shape after a collision.
Physics - Microtechnics - 27.02.2023
Tiny new climbing robot was inspired by geckos and inchworms
The untethered soft robot could one day help doctors perform surgery A tiny robot that could one day help doctors perform surgery was inspired by the incredible gripping ability of geckos and the efficient locomotion of inchworms. The new robot, developed by engineers at the University of Waterloo, utilizes ultraviolet (UV) light and magnetic force to move on any surface, even up walls and across ceilings.
Microtechnics - 21.02.2023
Robot helps students with learning disabilities stay focused
There is 'great potential for using robots in the public education system' E ngineering researchers at the University of Waterloo are successfully using a robot to help keep children with learning disabilities focused on their work. This was one of the key results in a new study that also found both the youngsters and their instructors valued the positive classroom contributions made by the robot.
Microtechnics - 09.11.2022
Researchers help robots navigate crowded spaces with new visual perception method
A team of researchers at the University of Toronto has found a way to enhance the visual perception of robotic systems by coupling two different types of neural networks.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 17.05.2022
Researchers design ’socially aware’ robots that can anticipate - and safely avoid - people on the move
A team of researchers led by University of Toronto Professor Tim Barfoot is using a new strategy that allows robots to avoid colliding with people by predicting the future locations of dynamic obstacles in their path. The project, which is supported by Apple Machine Learning, will be presented at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Philadelphia at the end of May.
Computer Science - Microtechnics - 06.01.2022
Taking a step towards self-walking robotic exoskeletons
Preparing for an online start to the winter term: for more information. Trailblazing research is transforming the field of rehabilitation medicine by developing robotic exoskeleton legs capable of autonomous control and decision making Brokoslaw Laschowski is using his interdisciplinary education - spanning four academic degrees - as a toolkit to integrate robotics technology with rehabilitation medicine.