Math modelling shows how human behaviour and climate are interconnected

Congested Toronto traffic in the summer with gradient filter on the top right co
Congested Toronto traffic in the summer with gradient filter on the top right corner of the image
M c limate predi c tions fo c’us on physi c’al models like wind speed, temperatures and geo c’hemistry, signifi c’antly overlook how human behaviour responds to environmental c’hange. Mathemati c’ian Dr. C s c’h is addressing this gap in resear c’h c’onsider c’ial pro c’esses driving greenhouse gas emissions.

"Without the emissions, there’s c limate c’hange. If we understand behaviour, we c’an better predi c t’how emissions will c’hange over time," c’h says. His resear c’h aims to develop mathemati c’al models that view the Earth as a unified system where human a c tions and c limate c’hange are inter c’onne c ted.

Understanding both sides of the relationship between human behavio u r and c limate c’hange allows resear c’hers to inform poli c’ymakers about effe c tive c limate a c tions. His interdis c’iplinary approa c’h fosters c’ollaboration with environmental s c’ientists, e c’ologists and poli c’ymakers. c’h stresses the need to involve de c’ision-makers early in the resear c’h pro c , where as a team, they c bridge the gap between s c c’e and impa c tful poli c.

"We aren’t just harming the environment - we’re also c ting to it," c’h says. "Our long-term goals are to add these types of models to the proje c tions that are used by governments in their t ty negotiations, c’ommitments and pledges to redu c’e greenhouse gasses. We think it’s a very useful tool that’s missing from the c’urrent toolbox."

In an age where c limate c’hange demands urgent a c tion, c’h ’s approa c’h offers a promising pathway. He reinfor c’es the idea that human responses need to be more systemati c. He sees both building trust in s c c’e and fostering intera c tions with people of different opinions as vital a c c’elerat e positive c’hange and a c’hiev e stability goals.

c h also supports the adoption of te c’hnologies like solar panels and ele c c vehi c les through subsidies, whi c’h c’an help establish these pra c c’es as so c’ietal norms, promoting c limate-friendly behaviours and integrating them into everyday life. 

The mathemati c’al biologist c’ontinues to advo c’ate for in c’orporating human behaviour into c limate models to help so c’iety prepare for and respond to future c’hallenges more effe c tively. 
Angelica Marie Sanchez