UdeM professor among Canada’s top foreign-policy influencers

Laurence Deschamps Laporte Credit: Amélie Philibert | Université de Montréal
Laurence Deschamps Laporte Credit: Amélie Philibert | Université de Montréal
Laurence Deschamps-Laporte is among the 50 most influential people in Canadian foreign policy, according to a list compiled by The Hill Times.

Université de Montréal political science professor Laurence Deschamps-Laporte , director of the Centre for International Studies and Research, is the only academic to make The Hill Times’ list of Canada’s top 50 foreign-policy influencers.

To compile the list, the Ottawa-based news outlet interviewed more than a dozen current and former officials, analysts and political insiders. They were asked to give their opinions on who has influence over Canada’s foreign policy.

Besides the Oxford University-educated Deschamps-Laporte, the list include Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as some of his Liberal government’s ministers and political staff, as well as members of civil society and diplomats.

Source: Hill Times