Results 1 - 5 of 5.
Transport - Innovation - 15.01.2024
Using idle trucks to power the grid with clean energy
Waterloo researchers investigate how fuel cell powered vehicles can reenergize overworked electricity grids University of Waterloo researchers are tapping into idled electric vehicles to act as mobile generators and help power overworked and aging electricity grids. After analyzing energy demand on Alberta's power grid during rush hour, the research proposes an innovative way to replenish electrical grids with power generated from fuel cells in trucks.
Transport - 30.08.2023
B.C. split on safety of self-driving cars - gradual introduction needed to build comfort among all road users
Business, Law & Society Lou Corpuz-Bosshart While self-driving vehicles (SDVs) are being hailed as a solution for safer, more efficient roads, new UBC research suggests British Columbians are not quite ready to embrace self-driving cars wholeheartedly - and will need a period of gradual transition before adoption.
Transport - 08.09.2022
Changes to Toronto’s public transit system would eliminate barriers, retain riders
A reassessment of Toronto's travel networks is needed to improve transit equity People who rely on public transit in Toronto will eventually have to choose different means of transportation if they can afford it or risk isolation unless the current system improves, a new study found. The research from the University of Waterloo indicates that a lack of attention to core riders- meaning those dependent on public transportation-further marginalizes and creates mobility barriers that impede participation in public life.
Transport - Health - 09.08.2022
Study challenges attitudes about young people and pandemic preventative measures, plus other stories
Top marks: Quebec university students score high with COVID-19 compliance A new study led by McGill researchers found that compliance with public health measures was high among university level students in Quebec during a critical period of the pandemic in 2021. They found 78% per cent of students observed in the study followed the proper mask-wearing and two-metre physical distancing rules, close to the 80 per cent threshold suggested as necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Transport - 22.04.2022
Highway death toll signs associated with more crashes, researchers find
Electronic billboards displaying traffic fatalities to encourage safer driving may actually contribute to an increase in crashes, a recent study co-authored by the University of Toronto's Jonathan Hall suggests. Jonathan Hall Using years of highway data from Texas, Hall - an assistant professor in the department of economics in the Faculty of Arts & Science and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy - teamed up with Joshua Madsen, of the University of Minnesota, to test the effectiveness of this strategy to reduce accidents.