International students thrive after graduating Waterloo
A new study by University of Waterloo researchers found that international students who study in Canada don't see their skills underutilized once they join the Canadian labour market, a sign that signals the potential of the country's International Student Strategy to help boost economic growth. The study's findings provide a clearer view of how successful international students are once they complete their studies across Canadian post-secondary schools, notably in technologyand engineering-focused programs where they enjoy an earnings advantage over their peers.
What happens when you drink and don’t know you’re pregnant?
The effects of rapid exposure to alcohol in early pregnancy - when a woman consumes as many as six drinks in an hour - can be detected in the placenta, an UdeM study on mice suggests.
Astronomers probe a ’steam world’
Led by a team at UdeM's IREx, scientists explore the exoplanet GJ 9827 d'and find a significant amount of water vapor in its atmosphere.
When we cannot hear our own speech, even temporarily, ability to speak is impaired: McGill study
Findings have significant implications for understanding speech production in people with hearing loss, especially those using cochlear implants. A McGill University study has shown that hearing plays a crucial role in how people coordinate and control speech movements in real-time.
Common procedure heightens risk for hysterectomy, Western researchers find
A new study has found that 29 per cent of people in Ontario who undergo a surgical procedure called endometrial ablation will have a subsequent hysterectomy to remove the entire uterus within 15 years.
Faculty Position in Surface and lnterface Science & Tribology EPFL, Lausanne
Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology and Inclusive Education University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Associate Professor in Educational Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI
Associate Professor or Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in the Field of Genetics / Epigenetics of... University of Geneva
Technical / scientific Staff - Nutrition LCA Agroscope, Zürich (Expected medium-term place of work: 1725 Posieux)
Technical / scientific Staff - Food and Food Waste LCA Agroscope, Zürich (Expected medium-term place of work: 1725 Posieux)
PostDoc Postition: Ecosystem services of perennial legumes Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung des Futterbaues, Zürich