average salaries in Canada

average salaries in Canada

Salary data for Canada shows significant variations by age, education, sector and region, and is often expressed in median terms to better reflect the differences.

Gross monthly salary (median)

In2022, the median salary in Canada was around 1,000 CAD per week, or around 52,000 CAD per year, according to Statcan. Salaries may vary by industry and region

In 2022, the median hourly wage for Canadian workers in full-time employment was around 30.13 CAD per hour for the main working age group (25-54). This is equivalent to a gross monthly salary of approximately 5,000 CAD, based on a 40-hour week. However, there are still significant differences depending on sector and education. For example, in sectors such as financial services or scientific and technical services, salaries are often above the national average.

Salaries for academics and executives

People with a university degree, particularly those with a bachelor’s degree or higher, have a higher median salary. In 2022, this group earned around 38 CAD per hour, a higher monthly income than workers with high school or technical diplomas.

Salaries by sector

Some sectors pay well above the national average. Workers in industries such as oil extraction, mining and utilities have some of the highest median earnings, up to CAD 99,000 per year. Accommodation and food services, on the other hand, are among the lowest-paying, with annual salaries around CAD 17,000, largely occupied by young workers under the age of 25.

Poverty line

In 2021, the poverty line for a single person in Canada was approximately CAD 24,000 per year. This threshold varies by region and household type, taking into account the minimum expenses required to meet basic needs.

Additional information

For estimates and detailed information tailored to your profile, you can use the online calculators available on the Statistics Canada or Guichet-Emplois websites, which provide projections based on various factors such as age, region and sector of activity. These data are regularly updated to reflect changes in the Canadian job market.


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